


Thursday, July 1, 2010


The monk who tried too hard
A son of a rich businessman, Sona liked to listen to lute music and to play the instrument. As he was brought up in the lap of luxury, his skin was very delicate and soft. It was said that hair grew out of the skin of his soles. Once he was brought before King Bimbisara who wanted to see the unusual feet he had heard so much about. Sona lived near the Vulture's Peak Rock in Rajagaha where the Buddha stayed during some rainy seasons. One day, Sona went to the Vulture's peak rock to listen to the Buddha's sermons about the happiness experienced from non-attachment of worldly desires. As he wanted to experience this happiness, Sona asked to be ordained as a monk.
After becoming a monks, he was taught to be constantly mindful, even when walking. Sona was very enthusiastic. Everyday he walked to and fro in the monastree until one day his feet developed blisters and bied. Even after trying so hard, yet he did not experience happiness, only pain and disappointment. thought of craving for worldly things stills came to his mind. "It is no use," Sona said to himself, "I have tired so very hard, but have still not achieved what i wished for. It is better for me to return to lay life and enjoy the happiness i used to experience by performing charity."
When the Buddha heard about this he went to see Sona. "Sona," he said, "Ihave heard that you are not getting good results from your practice of mindfulness and want to return to the lay life. Suppose I explain why you did not get good results, would you stay on as a monk and try again?"
"Yes, I would, Lord." replied Sona.
"Sona, you were a musician and you used to play the lute. Tell me, Sona, did you produce good music when the lute strings were well tuned, neither too tight nor too loose?"
"I was able to produce good music, Lord." replied Sona.
"What happened when the strings were too tightly wound up?"
"I could not produce any music, Lord." said Sona.
"What happen when the strings were too slack?"
"I could not produce any music at all, Lord." replied Sona.
"Sona, do you now see why you did not experience the happiness of renouncing worldly craving? You have been straining too hard in your meditation. Do it in a relaxed way, but without being slacek. Try it again and you will experience to good results." Sona understood and stayed on in the monastree as a monk, and soon he attained sainthood.

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