


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The Buddha's daily routine was divided into five parts such as (1)The forenoon session, (2)The Afternoon Session, (3)The first Watch, (4)The Middle Watch and (5)The Last Watch.
The Buddha get up at 4.00 a.m. and as soon as he had a wash he sits down and meditates for one hour. Then from 5.00 a.m. to 6.00 a.m. He looks round the world with his mental eye to find out where there is anybody whom he could help. At 6.00 a.m. He will put on his robe and go out begging for his food to the nearest village or city he is staying, or if there is some one who needs his help urgently he quickly goes there with some other monks or else alone.
Then he goes from house to house with his eyes fixed to the ground, receiving in silence, any food that was put into the bowl. If he is with his disciples he goes out begging with them in ome single file behind him. If people invite him to their houses to take lunch he goes there. After lunch he would preach to the people and monks his Noble Truth. If there is anybody wishing to be ordained he ardains such a person.
*THE AFTERNOON: (12.00 noon- 6.00 p.m.)
This is the time when monks usually come to the Buddha to ask questions. If there are any questions he answers them and gives them advice and subjects for meditation. When they have gone away, he retires to his room and looks round the world with his mental eye to see whether there is anybody looking for his help. If he finds anyone he goes there. If there is nobody he comes out of the room to meet hundreds of people waiting in the preaching Hall. He preaches to them in such a way that everybody feels that the Buddha is preaching to each one of them separately, "Giving joy to the wise, promoting the intelligence of the average people and dispelling the darkness of the dull-witted."
*THE FIRST WATCH: (6.00 p.m. - 1.00 p.m.)
During this time the monks come again to the Buddha to either listen to the preaching or to ask the Buddha at this time of the night.
*THE MIDDLE WATCH: (10.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m.)
During this time period the Devas go to see the Buddha and learn his Truth of life. We cannot see them with our eyes.
*THE LAST WATCH: (2.00 a.m. - 4.00 a.m.)
From 2.00 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. He walks up and down. From 3.00 a.m. - 4.00 a.m. He sleeps. As soon as He gets up he continued his daily routine in this manner.
Thus we can see the Buddha was busy the whole day. In fact he slept only for one hour per day during his 45 years of teaching as a Buddha. During the early hours of the day he saw the whole universe, blessed it with his boundless love and brought happiness to millions. He became the Buddha at the age of 35, preached another 45 years and relinquished his body at the age of 80.

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