


Friday, May 14, 2010


During the whole of the 1st week, the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree enjoying the happiness of freedom or the joy of everlasting peace. He was then free from disturbing thoughts.
During the second week, as a great deed of thankfulness or gratitude to the Bodhi tree which sheltered Him during His struggle for Buddhahood, He stood a few feet from the Bodhi tree gazing or looking at the tree without moving His eyes for the whole week. He was meditating on the Bodhi tree. Following this noble example all budhists still pay respect or homage to, not only the original Bodhi tree, but also its descendants.
He again mediatated during the third week. Lord Buddha saw through His mind's eye and knew that the Devas in the heavens were not sure whether he had attained Enlightenment completely as He continued to stay there. then to prove His Enlightenment to them the Buddha created a golden bridge in the air and walked up and down for the whole week.
In the fourth week, He created a beautiful jewelled chamber and siting inside it meditated on the Higher teaching, or ABIDHAMMA. His mind and body were so purified that six coloured rays came out of his body. They were blue, yellow, red, white, orange and mixture of these five. Today these six coloureds from the Buddhist flag. In fact that week onwards all the six colours were round his whole body. Each colour represented one noble quanlity of Buddha. Yellow for Holiness, white for purity, blue for confidence, red for wisdom. orange for desirelessness and the mixed colour represented all these very noble qualities and we too, if we develop our minds and bodies to a high degree of purity, can gain these colours.
During this week, the fifth week, while he was enjoying the joys of freedom siting under the famous Ajapala Banyan Tree near the Bodhi tree, three most beautiful and charming girls called Tanha, Rati and Raga came to disturd his medittion by dancing in the most seducive and charming manner. They did everything to tenpt lord Buddha to watch their dance. He just shut his eyes and continued his meditation and many hours later they felt so tired that they left him in peace.
He went and meditated at the foot of another tree called the Mucalinda tree. As it was raining very heavily a huge king cobra came and coiled his body seven times round the Buddha's body, but kept his hood over the Buddha's head so that the Buddha was protected from getting wet by the heavy rain. When the rain stopped, the snake became a young man and paid his respect to Lord Buddha. This snake was supposed to be a supernatural being. Then the Buddha said:
"Happy is he who is contented Happiness is for him who has heard the truth and for him who sees the truth. Happy is he who has goodwill in this world towards beings. Happy is who lives in this word wit non-attachment, passing beyond sense-desires. The disappearance of the "I am conceit is indeed the highest happiness."
During the seventh week He was meditating under a tree called the Rajayatana tree. On the 50th morning, after His long fast for seven weeks, two merchants came to his presence. They were called Tapussa and Bhallika. In fact, they were going in a different direction to another city. Tappussa and Bhallika offered the Buddha rice-cakes and honey. The two merchants, by taking the two Refuges - in the Buddha and the Dhamma, became the first lay followers of the Buddha. There was no Sangha or Order of Monks then. They requested the Buddha for something sacred to keep with them. The Buddha wiped his head with his right hand and got some hair and gave these to them. This hair was called Kesa Datu (Hair Relics). With this sacred hair Relics, Tapassu and Bhallika left the place. Later when they reaced their hometown they built pagodas and enshriend these sacred hair Relics in them.
After his meal, the Buddha began to contemplate. He was reluctant to teach his Dhamma to the people. He thought people would not be able to understand his noble and deep teaching for they were very ignorant. They Brahma Sahampati - Lord of the Three World's (human, Deva and Brahma world's) came and requested him to preach the Dhamma to all. The Buddha compassionately accepted this invitation to expound the Dhamma.


  1. Hi there, I loved this chapters on the Buddha's life. Do you know in which sutta appear? I would like to read the original source.

  2. Buddha's 7 weeks of enlightment had him under the Bodhi tree for 4 weeks and three other trees for the remaining three weeks. This is part of GOD=7_4 Theory; see .
